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Saturday, April 02, 2005


How the Episcopal Church is doing with Teenagers

National Survey of Youth and Religion

85% - all U.S. teens definitely believe in God
72% - ECUSA teens definitely believe in God

68% - all U.S. teens believe God is a personal being
61% - ECUSA teens believe God is a personal being

51% - all U.S. teens feel very or extremely close to God
36% - ECUSA teens feel very or extremely close to God

51% - all U.S. teens faith is very or extremely important in daily life
40% - ECUSA teens faith is very or extremely important in daily life

56% - all U.S. teens have made commitment to live life for God
32% - ECUSA teens have made commitment to live life for God

47% - all U.S. teens saying morality is relative
61% - ECUSA teens saying morality is relative

73% - all U.S. teens believe in a Judgement Day of divine
60% - ECUSA teens believe in a Judgement Day of divine reward/punishment

28% - all U.S. teens say some, most or all adults in their church are
46% - ECUSA teens say some, most or all adults in their church are

This material is used with the permission of Dr. Christian Smith, Stuart
Chapin Distinguished Professor and Associate Chair of the Department of
Sociology at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Dr. Smith
writes: "I will restrict any more commentary on these findings, other than
to say I think they raise some soul-searching questions and hard
implications for those still invested in the" Episcopal Church. "What" the
figures "show is that" Episcopal Church "teens are doing *significantly
worse* across a variety of religion measures than the average of all U.S.
teens (which includes 16% of non-religious teens and 32% who attend
religious services only a few times a year or never)."

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