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Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Freedom Village Update

The kid didn't last 24 hours and checked out of the program at Freedom Village. It was voluntary. I'm really disappointed.

Don't you hate seeing people you care for choosing death and dysfunction for their life? Freedom Village has worked miracles for so many kids lives. This girl would rather go back to a dumpy apartment in small poor farming village where sexual misconduct and substance abuse run rampant, living by herself on welfare as a high school drop out, with family members using her for her foodstamps, getting drunk every night, being sexually assaulted in bars for which she is 3 years too young to be in, having altercations with police, etc. and continually living out a life of rejecting good and health for her life. So very sad. FV would have given her so much support and care for FREE. So very, very, sad.

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