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Location: Liverpool, NY

"In my house, I'm a big deal. That's all that matters."


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Monday, May 01, 2006

Church Yesterday

Had this incredible experience in church yesterday. One of the people from my Bringing My World to Christ list was there hands outstretched in worship to God. I cried. I have known her since 1979 when she was a little tyke and seen her life get messy. She is a neighbor to my parents where we were staying this weekend. She became a Christian about 2 years ago but yesterday was the first time we were in the same church together. We were at Grace Covenant. That's my other church where I go regularly when I'm in Liverpool but she was there church shopping, which was bad because the guest speaker was awful. I hope she visits again.

I've prayed for her family for so long. Over the years I watched their lives go from bad to worse. I just never imagined we would be in church together. Now she is getting married in 2 weeks to a strong Christian man who loves her daughter. Her dad became a Christian recently too.

It's weird how I have prayed for them for so long but I guess after so long and so many problems I never expected anything to happen. Then I had heard she became a Christian but it really hit home yesterday when we were in church together. It was a really emotional experience.

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