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Monday, July 10, 2006

State court rules against same-sex marriage -- Page 1 -- TimesUnion.com

State court rules against same-sex marriage -- Page 1 -- TimesUnion.com: "The 70-page decision was posted just after 9 a.m. on the Web site of the state Court of Appeals. It has been eagerly awaited by the state's 45,000 same-sex families"

45k? I'll be 44k live in NYC.

It's interesting they are called "same-sex families". I think I've seen other journalists use the word "partnerships" or something similar. I wonder how they define family. What criteria do they use? Must they live together? For how long? Is it expected that they are monogamous?

All of these questions could and should also be applied to heterosexual couples also. When a journalist uses the term "family (-ies)" what do they mean?

In some ways it is interesting that the journalist calls them "families" when, essentially, the ruling by the court says they are not.

And for what it's worth ... the article also notes that NY allows first cousins to marry but obviously only heterosexual ones.

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