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Location: Liverpool, NY

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Wednesday, December 06, 2006

A Google Tools Experiment

I really like Google's online tools. I'll be trying an experiment with them soon. I'm working with a leadership team in a far away city where I am going to propose they use Google Docs & Spreadsheets and Google Calendars for internal communications. The leadership team is comprised of about 15-20 leaders, who lead ministry teams. Each team can post their minutes on the site. If they meet someplace that has internet access, whoever is taking minutes can update them in real time. Documents can be made available for everyone to view or only certain invited persons. People can be invited to be collaborators for multiple persons to be able to edit a document. No one will have to email me minutes or meeting dates and they'll be able to see my schedule when I'll be back in town. I can monitor progress from over 1000 miles away and so can my boss who lives in yet another state. And I can get them Gmail account.

Comments on "A Google Tools Experiment"


Blogger cliff said ... (2:17 AM, December 06, 2006) : 

Hello, Google provides you a basic spreadsheets in Docs and spreadsheet which you may found it not enjoy, like you cannot create charts with it. EditGrid is another option for you, allow you to create charts and have a fine-grain permission scheme for organisation use. I invite you to check it out.


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