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Monday, November 19, 2007

Which Character of the Bible Do Your Most Identify With?

Someone asked me that question not too long ago.  It was part of a "get to know you" experience with some new people on a team.  They asked it in such a way that I should just know.  But I really didn't and I felt slightly embarrassed, slightly annoyed (I don't know why) and kinda icky. 

I just really didn't have an answer for it.  The first thing that came to mind was Solomon.  He enjoyed sex and money.  I enjoy sex and money.  But that was really it.  I didn't say that in the meeting but I was thinking it.  Maybe I sarcastically said something about being like Eutychus and sleeping in church.  I don't remember my answer.  As I reflected upon it further over days and weeks I still couldn't come up with a better answer than Solomon.

Then I was in church recently and the preacher said something about ". . . Paul, the guy who wrote most of the NT, thinks . . ." yada yada yada.  And I had that same feeling again.

I just don't read the Bible through the lens of the characters.  It's not really part of my hermeneutic.  When I read the Bible I think about God.  What's he trying to say to me?  What is this pericope trying to communicate about God: His person, character, preferences, values, style, heart, etc.  What do I learn about God through this?

It's not that I don't value historical setting.  I do.  I think Jesus and many of his parables are all the more scandalous when you consider their historical setting, social customs, gender roles, etc.  I just don't think about Paul's ideas and that he wrote a bunch of the NT.  I think about God, who inspired all the NT and His ideas.  Somehow God is the character I identify with most.  I'm not sure how but I think I got that from Weborg.

Comments on "Which Character of the Bible Do Your Most Identify With?"


Blogger Luke said ... (7:22 AM, November 20, 2007) : 


Unfortunately, I know exactly how to answer that question. I identify with the father in Mark 9:24.

I understand what you are saying, though. I read from the perspective of, "How does God's Word resonate in my life?" But sometimes, that question leads me to think about the feelings of the individual characters in the story.


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