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Saturday, April 05, 2008

Problem Solving vs. Goal Setting

Stop Setting Goals If You Would Rather Start Solving Problems by Bobb Biehl was a revolutionary read for me. I am still amazed at how many people have never heard of the concept. Biehl claims that some people are just not goal setters but love solving problems, and when in an organization that is bound up in goal setting language they flounder.

We've all heard why goal setting is supposedly good: "Aim at nothing and you'll hit it every time." I honestly don't think that's true any more. Some people find their vision along the journey and don't need the concept of goals to get them there.

I'm not sure why I detest goal setting. It nearly makes me nauseous. It leaves me feeling icky. Probably the result of some childhood playground/classroom trauma or my failure to discipline myself to do anything. But when someone says they have a problem to solve or need me to fix something, I'm focused like a laser beam.

The book and conversations with Bobb were really helpful to me. I recommend the book and him to you.

Comments on "Problem Solving vs. Goal Setting"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:52 PM, April 06, 2008) : 

Brother Evans, you've never done me wrong. I just bought the book on eBay. Did you watch the gem that Zambrano pitched today?

with infinite hope, Jimmu Doo


Blogger theultrarev said ... (10:28 PM, April 06, 2008) : 

I watched the 4th & 5th, slept thru 6th thru 8th, and woke up for the ninth.

Shouldn't you root for the Brew Crew?


Blogger Beth B said ... (12:54 AM, April 08, 2008) : 

Somehow we got confused and replaced final causality with goal setting. In reality, the latter is our own construction; the former is a gift from God.


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