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Friday, September 26, 2008

Being A Lay Person Is Hard

I was in a meeting recently where one of my clergy friends talked about how difficult it is to get parents to lead stuff for youth and kids these days. He commented on how many parents will help out with a project here or there but a weekly commitment seems beyond them. Though frustrated by it, he wasn't complaining.

I am still an ordained clergy person and occasionally get to perform ministerial duties, but I haven't served in an official ministerial capacity anywhere since 2005. And since that time I have observed two things about being a lay person. First, it is hard work. Secondly, I suck at it.

To all my former parishioners out there: I admire you more and more each day for having put with me as long as you did and for all you did for me, the church and God's Kingdom. You are truly amazing to me. I have worked with some world class lay people: the Arch, Lynette, Carol, Gary & Sandy, Kurt & Sue, the Horny Millers, John & Kathy, Mikey B, Agnes and a whole plethora of others. How you did all you did for the church astounds me.

Now I know my life is complex with 5 kids, one of which is a baby, and a job that requires some travel. But I seem to get nothing done for the church and it drives me crazy. The needs of a church plant are overwhelming. I go to church meetings, see stuff that needs to be addressed and know what needs to be done but I all I ever seem to have is advice or criticism. I have zilch on the git-r-done scale. No doubt I drive my pastor crazy. Sorry Mazz.

When I was a pastor, it was frustrating to never really feel like I had a weekend. Now it's frustrating that the weekend is so short and there's barely enough time to mow the grass, go to Little League, go to some event/party/game, etc. etc. etc. and never enough time to get stuff done for church.

Clergy people out there reading this, trust me, being a lay person is harder than you think. You don't want this job.

Comments on "Being A Lay Person Is Hard"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:18 PM, September 26, 2008) : 

My beloved Rev:
Many of those you listed (and thanks for the nod, by the way) are deeply steeped in the "help" gifts. You were the designer, dreamer, caster of visions, etc. Hard to change your gifts, even as a lay person. We need each other. Praise God for the way He designs us!

Much love, 'the Arch'


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