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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Finding Jesus in London - TIME

The Alpha Course is still running strong at Holy Trinity Brompton, an Anglican Church in the city of London, where it was founded by Rev. Nicky Gumbel. It apparently is having a significant impact on the city. Read: Finding Jesus in London - TIME

I love the Alpha course, having run it 4 times. Mostly the impact I have seen is of Christian people becoming more devout and having a stronger faith as opposed to the seeing people become believers. I love the impact that I have seen.

There are several copycat courses now, created by people who didn't like some part of Alpha. Some who were using the videos felt the talk the was too long, some felt the overall course was too long, some didn't like particular theological emphases of the course, etc. I suppose it's all good for the body of Christ to have multiple choices.

Alpha has been used by Roman Catholic and Protestant churches of all flavors. If your church has never used it I strongly encourage you to consider it: Alpha Official Site. Even if you disagreed with all the content in it, your church community would be stronger and more vibrant for having done it.

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