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Friday, October 30, 2009

More Christian Unity: This Time it's Orthodox

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.com: Hopes rising for unifying Orthodoxy's U.S. churches

The Roman Catholic Church just recently made easier the adoption of Anglicans, both clergy and churches. And there have been some discussions about Catholic and Orthodox unity. Now there are serious discussions within the various Orthodox entities globally to find a status of unity.

Imagine, if you could, what would the church in North America look like if the Orthodox, Catholics and Anglicans (not Episcopalians -- I can't imagine that) united as a church and found a way to become missional together.

The important act here is not unity. The most important act would be repentance. Repentance is a precursor to revival. Will theses church repent of wounding each other out of pride and over grabs of power and prestige? Will they say "We are sorry for our actions." or like the Episcopalians in recent times just express their regret.

The worst thing that could happen is they unify without acknowledging the sin of division, the pain caused by their declarations of anathema and in some cases, violence done to one another.

Imagine a world where the dominating evangelizing force was a newly spiritually rejuvenated unified Catholic/Orthodox/Anglican Church.

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