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Thursday, January 14, 2010

Being A Spiritual Self Feeder + More FREE mp3's at Missional Learning Commons

So I've had to counsel with a number of ministry professionals and mature Christians lately, who are bored out of their ever loving skulls at church.  The sermons, small groups and discipleship experiences aren't scratching where they're itching.  So they think about moving on to another church hoping for something better.

That's the presenting problem.  But I don't think it's the real issue.  I think the real issue is, for whatever reason, they aren't experiencing God at their church.

A couple years ago I attended church as a lay person, though I am an ordained, ministry professional.  The sermons weren't always helpful for me but generally they were good.  For the average person there, they were really working.  I wasn't the average person and I knew that.  But what really helped me was experiencing God's presence week after week after week.  I felt like I met with God there and as I saw others go forward to pray at the altar I could see God meeting and ministering to them too.  Some weeks I was moved to tears in joy or comfort or awe of God and His presence at church.  It wasn't some emotional arm-twisting done by the pastor, I think it was a sovereign move of God.  That made up for what wasn't there for me.

I've learned that experiencing the presence of God can make up poor music or liturgy, preaching that is lacking and a host of other issues in church on Sunday morning.

BEYOND THAT -- at some point as a Christian and especially if you are a seminary or theology school graduate, you need to become a self feeder and not expect the sermon to feed you week after week.  As you mature in the faith, you need to be taking in books, listening to lectures and seminars that are a little more challenging than the average Christian.

That is why I continue to post links to lectures on-line.  There is just so much stuff to supplement the sermons you get from your fabulous and not so fabulous pastor.  Here's another link with: Book Discussion: The Next Evangelicalism by Soong-Chan Rah, who is from my beloved North Park as well as some other lectures.

Missional Learning Commons

Don't put the whole of your spiritual life into a sermon on Sunday and a devotional guide.  Dig deep.  Consider these words from Proverbs 2:
1  My son, if you receive my words
and treasure up my commandments with you,
2  making your ear attentive to wisdom
and inclining your heart to understanding;
3  yes, if you call out for insight
and raise your voice for understanding,
4  if you seek it like silver
and search for it as for hidden treasures,
5  then you will understand the fear of the Lord
and find the knowledge of God.

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