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Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Praise God for Hollywood

Had a conversation this weekend with a friend that went to see Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ" with me. She's had a transformation in her thinking that is slowly making it's way to her heart.

She has always had trouble with forgiveness toward people who have done heinous things. After hearing in the news of another tragic death of a child at the hands of an adult, she pondered. She would used to say she could never forgive someone who did that. But since seeing The Passion, and watching Jesus "get the hell beat out of him" and being forgiving ... she is open to the idea that she could forgive. If Jesus could forgive his torturers and God could forgive us, she reasoned that she might be able to forgive others.

The heart of the gospel is becoming clear before her eyes. All because of God and His use of Hollywood. Talk about redemption! Praise God for Hollywood.

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