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Saturday, January 15, 2005


Apple Stock @ Yahoo

It was 1994. Dan Ferguson and I watched Apple's stock continue to plummet to about $12. We knew what Wall Street ignored. Apple was never going under. Ever. Wasn't going to happen. At the time, 75 percent of the computers built in the 10 years prior were STILL IN USE! Microsoft was making money off of them. They had a small but hugely loyal following, with a name recognition in the top 5 of the world. Still had hundreds of millions in the bank.

I, on the other hand, was flat broke. My wife, Alyx and I paid our tuition monthly so as to not take out a loan. We ate home made pizza without cheese. Lots of baked potatoes. We had absolutely nothing. Neither did Dan and Ann Mary.

Dan and I debated and schemed for quite some time about how to take out a student loan and buy Apple stock. We knew it would go up and we could make a fortune.

We graduated in 1995 and took pastorates that did not pay us well. New things took our money like children and stuff.

One year later, Apple was under $10 a share briefly and then solidly under $10 in 1997. Dan and I would talk on the phone and laugh about how we should really buy now. But we never did.

In the spring of 2000 it hit $150. I often think about the tens of thousands of dollars we missed out on. And I think of the $47 a share that could have been made when Apple hit $70 recently after being $23 a share last January.

A little smart investing and I could have stopped working for churches with money problems a long time ago.

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