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Saturday, February 26, 2005

More about our Advance

Rick Richardson's presentation was also excellent. We had to read his book Evangelism Outside the Box, which was excellent but didn't live up to the hype.

After reflecting up his book and comments, and some of my personal experience, I think the church is keeping people from coming to Christ. Jesus they have some interest in. The church they do not. Rick used the term "evangelical subculture" which I find hard to define but resonate with nonetheless. I think I'm finding that some of my COLLEAGUES don't want to be part of the church, even thought they love and follow Jesus.

Now certainly it is true that "he who does not have the church for his mother, does not have God for his father" but what do you do when you can't stand the church, in general. God they like. His people are ...

Sure I read about the emerging church. But it's only emerging in a very few places and eventually it will have emerged. Then what? There just has to be a better way to do church.

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