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Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Marital Aids II

(If you didn't see Marital Aids I, scroll down to March 18.)

I'm still marveling at this whole new culture of Christian marital support organizations. I didn't really know all this was out there. Not your old standard "keep it in the bedroom and keep it tame" advice. Their philosophy seems to be "if it's between a husband and wife only, in a committed monogamous marriage relationship, where the couple is in love and expressing love, no one is getting hurt or devalued - GO WILD! Chains, whips, chips & dip - have it all! Like a Chicago election - go early, go often.

I recently read Kevin Leman's Sheet Music but some of these places are making him look puritanical. And they do their homework too, so they are not promoting anything blatantly unbiblical or at least philosophically unscriptural. And they are saavy about their marketing so that if you were not a married couple, you might not shop there. I like that part.

Sign me up.

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