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Saturday, April 30, 2005

Episcopal and Anglican

So we had a staff meeting this past week where we basically go over calendar items and minor logistical issues. Some place in the middle of the meeting, my rector, Fr. vance, says begins to talk about thehttp://www.blogger.com/img/gl.link.gif sign out front. The sign is fairly worthless as it faces the street and is back behind some bushes and kind of under a tree.

Now Vance is our interim and doesn't want his name on the sign. Furthermore, if all the staff can't have their name on the sign then he thinks no one's name should be ont he sign. Since mine was the only name on the sign he infomred me it was coming off and instructed JJ our sexton to handle it.

He then drops this minor grenade: he tells JJ also to take off the Anglican on the sign because he dosen't want anyone to confuse us with that breakaway group. I think he means the Network of Anglican Communion Dioceses and Parishes. These are primarily Episcopal churches that have adhered to historic, orthodox Christianity while the rest of the Episcopal church continues on it's merry-little-apostate way.

Those outside of the Network are frequently called revisionists and it was fascinating to see it in my own parish this day. Vance stated clearly that he wants everyone to know that we are in full support of the Episcopal church and not part of some breakaway group. Absolutely hilarious! While the vast majority of The Anglican Communion believes that the Episcopal Church has "chosen to walk alone" and has begun to recognize the Network as the true expression of Anglicanism in the US, here is this local priest calling the Network a breakaway group.

I guess it's all a matter of perspective. How very post-modern.

Comments on "Episcopal and Anglican"


Blogger Randall Friesen said ... (11:55 PM, May 03, 2005) : 

Wow, that's gotta feel a little weird.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:45 AM, September 27, 2006) : 

Since I've never been in an Anglican or Episc. church maybe you can fill us in if you said anything? Having been slowly 'migrated' from churches for questioning apostate behavior I find silence in the face of people with weak theology interesting. It has been painful for both my spouse and my children however someone has got to do it.


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