Trivia Question?
¿How many Mac's can you fit in a Honda Civic? Yesterday, I fit 9 and probably had room for at least 1 more. I was setting up for an evangelism seminar yesterday at Faith Fellowship Church & School. They noticed I had a Mac and mentioned they had a bunch they weren't using. So they gave them to me. Not that my wife was real happy about this because I already own 12 of them, bringing the total to 21, not to mention the printer situation. So here is my current inventory From yesterday's acquisition: 2 iMac G3's (I'm guessing 266's, they're bondi blue) 1 PowerMac 5500/225 2 PowerMac G3's All-In-One's 2 PowerMac 5260/120PowerMac 5500/225 2 PowerMac 5400/200 These go with my current stash ... eMac G4/1ghz iMac G3/266 PowerBook G3/233 Wallstreet edition Centris 610 (my first Mac) Macintosh IIvx Performa 6300 Performa 631 PowerMac 6100/66 PowerBook 100 PowerBook Duo 270c with docking station Apple II+ And then I have 3 or 4 laser printers, a couple StyleWriters, 3 QuickTake 150's and a Newton. Hopefully next week I'll have a few more from Faith Fellowship. |
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