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Friday, December 09, 2005

Evangelism Resources: Living Waters

I saw my friend Tony Smith tonight at The Nutcracker, where our kids were in the show together. Tony had recently listened to Hell's Best Kept Secrets from the Living Waters web site and so we were chatting about it.

There are tons of freebies at Living Waters. That is one of the reasons I respect Ray Comfort so much. Ray is so passionate about evangelism that he's willing to provide resources for free. I remember when I received a cassette tape of Hell's Best Kept Secrets from the Arrow Leadership Program and it impressed me so to hear the opening lines to say something about "This message is non-copyright. Duplication is encouraged."

This could be an overstatement, but it seems to me if you are a Christian ministry claiming to have a serious concern for the lost, how much you charge for the resources you provide says something about how serious you are.

Before I go any further, please take a moment to download Hell's Best Kept Secrets and listen. I've listened to over a dozen times myself but I'll do it again. Now those of my friends out there who are not ultra conservative evangelicals like Ray Comfort, I encourage you to look past cultural trappings and listen for his central message because it is one that every Christian needs to take to heart.

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