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Location: Liverpool, NY

"In my house, I'm a big deal. That's all that matters."


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Thursday, May 11, 2006

Suffering Blog

My blog has been suffering. I just haven't been home. I have only slept in my own bed for about 3 of the last 15 nights. Work has been a little bit much but life is good. I have much to blog about. But at the moment ...

We've got new carpeting in the bedrooms and downstairs just before I left town last week. We had to move everything out of the family room downstairs. The next day we had to move everything out of the bedrooms into the kitchen, livingroom or newly carpeted family room. Which means absolutely nothing is in it's right place in our home right now. It has that "just moved in" feeling with boxes of stuff everywhere and no organization. My lawn is out of control and my lawn tractor battery is dead. And work is never ending. I came home to a couple hundred emails.

This might be a double expresso day.

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