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Friday, July 28, 2006

Mainline denominations losing impact on nation

Do there really need to be any more articles written about mainline denominations and their decline? Seriously. Is it news any longer? Might the very fact that the articles suggest that the culture has lost interest in mainline ideology also suggest that its no longer news we care to read about?

They're dying. It's now old news. No one cares. Good bye mainline denominations. Buh-bye. Perhaps the journalists could just inform us again when it's over.

One humorous and sad article I saw recently mentioned that one denomination has set a goal of stemming the tide of their loss to something like only 5% rather than the typical 10-15% loss they normally experience. Their goal was merely to slow their decline.

Don't be deceived into thinking this is about worship styles. This is not about churches using some old worn out liturgy and music that young people just don't connect to. This is about theology. Their are plenty of churches using old prayer book liturgy and growing like crazy because they are preaching the Biblical message of hope and salvation through Jesus Christ, and that our lives need to be oriented around His truth as revealed in the Scriptures.. There are very few churches that grow whilst preaching something else.

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