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Sunday, October 08, 2006

Buffalo News - A virgin forever betrothed to Christ alone

This whole consecrated virgin thing seems to stem from 1 Corinthians 7 where St. Paul instructs the unmarried and widowed to remain unmarried like him so as to fully devote themselves to Christ. It seems that Catholocism is the only strain of Christianity to give this kind of virginal devotion a public recognition and recognize it as a gift from God. It's impressive. I admire the woman's honesty that this calling has developed over time for her. She wanted to marry and have children but it has not happened and has become a calling for her to fully devote herself to God.

I don't think I've heard any sermons advocating singleness for God. 1 Corinthians 7 is clear that St. Paul believes those who marry will have more worldly concerns. I know I never have preached it. Anybody else out there encouraging their people to remain single for God?

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