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Monday, December 18, 2006

Spiritual Formation

I'm working on a project that I would like your input. I've asked a couple pastors to help me with but would like the input of others. Please comment on this post.

For years Willowcreek has had as their mission statement, "turning irreligious people into fully devoted followers of Christ." I listened to a sermon by Hybels some time back where he lamented that for years that was their mission statement but they had no way of measuring whether or not they were doing it.

You may not use or like Willow's terminology so replace it with your own if necessary but what does a fully devoted follower of Christ look like in your ministry context? How do you know if you have one? What are the measuring standards?

What processes do you have in place to create a fully devoted follower? How does discipleship happen? How do you chart progress and momentum for the individual and congregation?

If I'm asking the wrong questions altogether, just say so. I'm interested in how discipleship or spiritual formation takes place in your context and how you measure as to whether or not you are making progress.

Hopefully I'll post the replies of some other ministry colleagues here.

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