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Friday, March 16, 2007

Church Planting and Hockey

Had an interesting conversation with a CMA pastor in MN. In a town of less than 10,000 his church of about 400 has planted 2 others over the last several years. The most recent one apparently has more of a pomo flavor or feel to it. He used the word "emerging". The one they planted about 7 years ago was one targeted to those in recovery from substance abuse. That church has 110 conversions in its first 3 years and 80% of them were completely unchurched.

He now has a new idea rattling around in his brain: hockey church. For large parts of the year hockey families are non-existent in church and hockey is a significant part of the culture and life where he lives. He identified hockey families as an unchurched people group. Interesting thought. How do you take church to them?

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