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Friday, June 01, 2007

Complaint filed with IRS after Tampa televangelist compares Romney to Satan: South Florida Sun-Sentinel

The article quotes televangelist Bill Keller of Liveprayer.com as saying, "If the former Massachusetts governor wins the GOP nomination and the presidency," Keller's message added, it will "ultimately lead millions of souls to the eternal flames of hell."

I guess I don't understand how a president of the US is going to be leading people to hell. We're not a theocracy. Are people going to become Mormon if we had a Mormon president? I doubt it. We've had plenty of presidents who have claimed to be evangelicals, even ones who apparently are friends with America's pastor Dr. Billy Graham, but it doesn't seem that many have become Christians because of them (which in many ways is sad).

Keller's comments have led some to call into question his non-profit status and for the revoking of his 501(c)(3). This should be a reminder to all of us clergy to be careful of how we speak of politics when in our official capacities of clergy.

Keller apparently has a TV show which I haven't seen. His own website says, "The press has crowned him the "Dr. Phil of prayer" and "The next big thing in mass media religion." Somehow, I don't think I'd want to be called either of those things. I think he should worry most about what God says about him.

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