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Friday, August 24, 2007

Delgado to Head CHET - Evangelical Covenant Church

Ed Delgado's tenure as Director of Prayer & Evangelism for the Evangelical Covenant Church is over. He will be the new President of the Hispanic Center for Theological Studies (CHET) in CA. Congratulations Ed!

Who will be the next P&E leader for the Cov? Paul Knight? Dallas Anderson? Adam Edgerly? Maybe this will become a combo position with Bill & Lisa Orris leading it together. Whenever a leadership position opens up in the Covenant I vote for Larry Sherman. That guy is as smart, talented and Godly as any leader in the Covenant Church.

Comments on "Delgado to Head CHET - Evangelical Covenant Church"


Blogger donnjohnson said ... (9:51 AM, August 25, 2007) : 

What qualifies a person to a leadership position? some of those you mention are indeed godly persons, but not so effective as pastors. Should the Covenant administration be a placement office for those who don't function well as parish pastors? Or should administrators be drawn only from high-functioning pastorates?


Blogger Rick said ... (4:43 PM, August 27, 2007) : 

That's a fascinating question. Are the required gifts for administrative roles (in this case, Director of Prayer and Evangelism) identical to, or only similar to, the required gifts for effective pastors? Recall that the Cov once was led by someone who had no experience as a pastor at all, a layman. Intriguing topic to be sure.


Blogger theultrarev said ... (8:51 PM, August 28, 2007) : 

Those are indeed good questions Donn.

I do not think the the success or lack thereof in the pastorate should be an issue for being considered for a leadership role in the Covenant. I do not think they should only be drawn from high-functioning pastorates. We want people who are gifted, godly and called.

Certainly the admin roles of the Covenant are not the same, or even similar to pastoral ministry. Yet those admin people need to know the role of the pastor and church they serve intimately.

Still your question remains important: What qualifies a person to a leadership position?


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