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Friday, January 04, 2008

Transformation Syracuse - Welcome -- index

Syracuse is being spiritually mapped, as many cities are, looking for strongholds and sins. Believers are then banding together to repent of their city/area's sin and break the strongholds. The theory is this: that sin opens the door for Satan to gain a foothold in a believer's life. Repentance closes that door. Unrepentance leaves that door open to Satan's power.

A further corollary: If it's true for the believer, it's true for the church -- both for individual churches and for the church catholic. Satan then gains a stronghold over a region when they continue to exist in disunity and unrepentant sin. Ed Silvoso, C. Peter Wagner, George Otis Jr., Chuck Pierce, Cindy Jacobs and others are promoting this theology.

You might not buy their theology but they are not heretics. They're Trinitarian and orthodox in their soteriology. And they promote unity amongst believers, holiness, deep prayer and evangelism. God bless 'em.

Transformation Syracuse is at the center of this in Central New York. Their next praise and worship gathering is next week: Friday, January 11, 2008 @ 7:00 pm at Faith Chapel -- Lee Simmons' church.

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