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Thursday, December 27, 2007

Self Help: Brain Health

Here are a couple of links to brain health articles. I've been thinking about the importance of a healthy brain to our own personal spiritual formation. I'm wondering if our brain is somehow limited in it's functioning if somehow that affects our ability to experience and know God and His ways and purposes. Certainly God isn't limited. But I'm wondering if our brain isn't functioning at full capacity, maybe we can't experience the full amount of healing God has for us, or maybe we can't be the servant of Christ we would like to be or are called to be. Just thinking out loud, not sure that I've come to any conclusions.

But if brain health did impact our spirituality it would behoove the church to have a ministry for the saints for their brain. Minimally it would be educational. But I wonder what else could be done to help promote brain health.

Alvaro Fernandez: 10 Habits of Highly Effective Brains - Living on The Huffington Post

Brain Fitness, Health and Exercise guidance for individuals, companies and institutions.

Comments on "Self Help: Brain Health"


Blogger Luke said ... (9:58 AM, January 07, 2008) : 

Hey, UltraRev, happy secular New Year! I hope 2008 is a great one for you and your family.

As far as the limitations on the human brain, and how that perhaps limits our ability to experience and know God - does that mean that what we experience as death is a healing of the brain?


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