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Saturday, February 16, 2008

7 Characteristics of Missional Churches

Thanks to Jordan Stinziano of Summit Church of Syracuse (soon to be Missio Church) for organizing today's lunch at PJ Dorsey's with Andrew Smith of Infinity Alliance. Thanks to the Mazz of Catalyst Church for inviting me.

Andrew Smith spoke about missional work happening all over the world including estimates that the church in India may be 130 million, making it bigger than the church in China at 120 million. He gave some great encouragement about ministries all over the world asking seriously of God, "What does the church exist for? What do you want for our city?" And then the cooperative effort to carry out God's will for a community. Here are my cryptic notes from his talk.

7 Characteristics of Missional Churches
  1. Target Driven: they know very clearly the group they are reaching. Not ethno-driven but geography driven.
  2. Interdependent Leadership: Churches that don't just have a pastor but an interdependent leadership team. Difference between missional churches and historically successful churches in the US: US churches have traditionally been led by a good teacher or evangelist, whilst international missional churches have been led by someone apostolically functioning in the world.
  3. Measurable + Incarnational Values: Are our people actually practicing what we are preaching? Honestly?
    • What percentage of your people are practicing the priesthood?
    • Are they telling the story of salvation?
    • Are they using and understanding their gifts?
    • Are they maturing in the fruit of the Spirit?
  4. Laterally Postured: always thinking outward.
  5. Empower People: 100% mobilized churches.
  6. Antioch Related to Other Churches
  7. ????
Smith holds the same concern I do that we are potentially less than a generation away from the Christianity being nearly extinct or non-functional in North America. He says the church in Wales is nearly non-existent.

Smith says that there are cities around the nation where the churches are beginning to function in unison as the body of Christ to reach their communities for Christ. Jordan is planning to be a catalyst for that in Syracuse. Thanks Jordan. The Infinity Alliance is a gathering of churches that are saying, "We'll take responsibility for our city."

We're talking about ministries of different theological flavors partnering together to present the Gospel of Jesus Christ in authentic ways to every man, women and child in Onondaga County. Finally, someone who speaks my language.

One other interesting anecdote. One of the dangers of the US church according to Smith is that we are so "attractional and gathering based." We are so set on growing a crowd of people and treating churches like warehouses to be filled so they can hear preaching. I've seen in church plants, especially in their early days, they have numerical benchmarks to meet -- in essence, causing them to be gathering based. It seems more important to be ministry and life transformation based.

It was a good day. Thanks again Jordan.


Have you watched Summit's promo video? Check it out. Very well done.

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