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Monday, February 11, 2008

Researchers Say Same Sex Attraction Not Hardwired

Despite the media's endless portrayal to the contrary, the medical and research community is not united in the belief that same sex attraction (SSA) is genetic or hard-wired. The research at this site, My Genes Made Me Do It, is detailed and convincing that SSA is not genetic. Read their Summary Report and you will be shocked at what a different story science tells as opposed to the media.

Comments on "Researchers Say Same Sex Attraction Not Hardwired"


Blogger therealkimaliczi said ... (9:56 PM, February 13, 2008) : 

I tell people this, and they look at me like I have 2 heads. "Of course it's genetic, it's been proven" they tell me. Well, until I point them to what scientists ACTUALLY are saying, and ask them what evidence they have that points to genetics. No one, obviously, has been able to produce any. But then I get "well, they'll prove it eventually, I've sure there's a link" or some other such completely illogical statement.

I'd say this whole homosexuality/genetics link, and asking an evolutionist for fossil evidence of just ONE transitional form...these are the 2 bees in my bonnet.

Well, OK, there's probably a few more, don't get me started. LOL


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