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Thursday, February 07, 2008

Catholics Change Liturgy for Jewish Concerns

Vatican modifies prayer for Jews: The Washington Times, America's Newspaper

So as I read the article I find that indeed it seems that the Vatican changed the wording of a prayer in their liturgy to hopefully be less offensive to Jewish persons. It seems that the bottom line for certain Jewish groups was that the Catholic prayers not promote anti-Semitism. So they changed a prayer that almost no one uses:
"Father Massa said the overwhelming majority of Catholics will not hear this new prayer because only communities or parishes that exclusively celebrate the Tridentine Mass can use it in the three days leading up to Easter. Parishes with an occasional Traditional Latin Mass will use either Good Friday prayer."
Apparently no one is happy. Some Jewish groups don't like that Catholics still pray for them to convert and some Catholic groups don't want a new prayer because it insinuates there was something wrong with the old one.

The new prayer replacing the old prayer still asks "That our God and Lord may enlighten their hearts, that they acknowledge Jesus Christ as the Savior of all men ..." but it is slightly more gracious in that it does not pray "that almighty God may remove the veil from their hearts; so that they too may acknowledge Jesus Christ our Lord" or "hear our prayers, which we offer for the blindness of that people; ... they may be delivered from their darkness."

I had to laugh because I know evangelicals who pray for Catholics the same way that Catholics pray for Jewish people and not only on Good Friday. Lord have mercy on us all and lead us all into Truth.

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