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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Buying a New Computer? Wanting to Upgrade Software? No Need for MS Office.

Let me say this loudly so you all hear me: DON'T BUY MICROSOFT OFFICE. You don't need it.

I can't believe that anyone still pays for Microsoft Office with the availability of OpenOffice, which is an OpenSource version of MS Office. It's free, constantly updated, full of features, has templates available and it's free. I like the free part. Here's a new article touting the upcoming features in the next release: PC World - Business Center: OpenOffice 3.0 Promises to Bash Office.

I use NeoOffice for Mac OS X and love it. I have no compatibility issues trading documents with PC/MS Office users. Mostly I am using it for word processing and spreadsheets, but had no problems using it for presentations (PowerPoint) with my lap top and video projector, laid out brochures in it's drawing program and now am attempting to figure out if it will handle our dbase needs for a festival which will require several thousand names and relationships created.

Be free from your bondage to Microsoft. Get out in the Open(Office)!

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