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Location: Liverpool, NY

"In my house, I'm a big deal. That's all that matters."


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Sunday, April 27, 2008

Laundromat Love

Catalyst Church did a laundromat outreach today that went really well, mostly because we have some really super people. Today was a servant evangelism project giving away free loads of laundry demonstrate the love of Christ to people. We sent six teams of 2 out all over the eastern Syracuse area.

Some people are just really stunned and can't believe that anyone would do something this nice for them. They literally just can't believe it. One of our team said that it just changed the atmosphere of the entire laundromat.

Only two negative reactions and our team was so grace filled about it. One person just looked at our team member like they were a freak and just turned away without speaking. One other person (up near the university area) got a little crazy, "Why are you doing this?! Is this some sort of research project?! Did you get permission?! What do you want from me?! Is this being videoed? Where's the camera?" How sad when someone is that hostile and cynical to the free gift of quarters and a load of laundry. Our team just let it roll.

On the other hand, during a conversation with one of our team a laundromat person mentioned a leaking oil pan and loose bolts on their vehicle. Our team member went out to his truck got his tools and fixed it on the spot. That preaches.

Comments on "Laundromat Love"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:36 AM, April 28, 2008) : 

great idea...usually we always have positive responses to what we do when we serve our community..I think the negative responses are when people are having a bad day or they view life from a skeptical lense.


Blogger theultrarev said ... (2:39 PM, April 28, 2008) : 

Thanks so much for your comment. The negative responses are that big of deal. What was a big deal was how gracious our team dealt with it.

This is the second time I've done this and the response has been overall, amazingly positive.


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