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Friday, April 25, 2008

Neapolitan flip coffee pot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Neapolitan flip coffee pot : "A typical Neapolitan flip coffee pot". This is an older style Italian coffee maker. Here is a diagram and instructions for using a Neoplitan.

In the first diagram, you put water in Part C. Part B fits as an insert in Part C. Put grounds in the top of Part B and the cap screws on, which is Part A. The unlabeled part goes on top. Put the whole contraption on the stove and after the water boils, flip it over (second diagram) and the water pours through the grounds. After it has finished you pour an outstanding cup of coffee.

I enjoy making espresso in my Neapolitan. It's very mild compared to traditional espresso makers which force boiled water through the grounds. I got my Neapolitan off eBay. A quick search of eBay stores and you can get them for $15.

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