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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

When Polygamy Is Just

VirtueOnline: NIGERIA: Anglican Church Bans Polygamy

The Most Reverend Peter Akinola, Archbishop of Nigeria, recently made a public denouncement of polygamy, which has been a problem from time to time in the African Anglican church. While the African Anglicans have been outspoken against the doctrinal innovations of the Episcopal Church regarding the affirmation of homosexuality, many of the Episcopalians have charged back about the polygamy within the Anglican Church.

Akinola acknowledges, "Sadly, sometimes, even our leadership has looked the other way on this matter."

I have heard that some of the polygamy within the African Anglican Church was from Muslim and tribal converts to Christianity, who already had multiple wives prior to converting. The article doesn't mention that Akinola addressed this specific situation. What about a convert to Christianity who has had multiple wives and fathered children with them? Should he just divorce all except one? Essentially that would leave the others unprotected, destitute and fatherless. What is just in this situation? Seemingly .... polygamy is just.

Can you think of other options for these families? Please comment.

I wonder what it is like for churches and parents to happily raise their children in a polygamous family, yet disciple them to believe that polygamy is wrong. That must be challenging.

Comments on "When Polygamy Is Just"


Blogger therealkimaliczi said ... (8:50 AM, May 14, 2008) : 

Not to go completely off-topic, but doesn't it just figure that the Episcopal church, instead of dealing with its own issues, would start pointing out sin in others? Anything to take the focus off of themselves, I suppose. But hey - isn't that how we all behave at one time or another? Don't take responsibility - point the finger elsewhere! Sigh...


Blogger theultrarev said ... (2:48 PM, May 14, 2008) : 

That's exactly what it looks like. From their perspective, they are pointing out the supposed hypocrisy of the Africans.

I had this conversation with a priest friend one day -- a PhD, very bright, caring, person. He brought up the supposed hypocrisy. I brought up the fact that much of the polygamy was from converts and how unjust it would be if they divorced all their other wives. He was ashamed and speechless.


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