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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Who Are They?

I know I've blogged about this before but whenever I see the words "evangelical leaders" I'm always stunned with whatever names follow. Generally the media are referring to "leaders" like Pat Robertson, Jim Dobson or formerly, Jerry Falwell, none of whom I would have ever thought to represent me as an evangelical.

This article was even more amazing. Look at the list of "leaders" from the article Leading Evangelical Leaders Reacting to Saddleback Forum:
"Top evangelical leaders gave their reactions to the Saddleback Civil Forum on the Presidency Saturday evening, on a nationwide press teleconference that followed the forum and which was hosted by NewsGuests.com. Evangelical commentators included: Tom Minnery, Senior Vice President of Focus on the Family; Bishop Harry Jackson, Senior pastor, Hope Christian Church and Chairman of the High Impact Leadership Coalition; Janet Folger, National radio host and President and Founder of Faith2Action; and Colin Hanna, President of Let Freedom Ring. Martha Zoller, National radio host and Fox news panelist was the moderator."
I have to admit that Harry Jackson is the only one I have ever heard of but I don't know any thing about any of them. I must live in my own made up personal evangelical world. Whenever I read or hear anything descriptive of evangelical and who it's supposed leaders are, it just never fits my experience, even though I would have thought traditionally I was an evangelical. I need a new category.

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