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Friday, September 26, 2008

Rick Warren Supports Anglicans

David Virtue reports that mega church pastor Rick Warren is supporting orthodox believing Anglicans who might suffer at the hands of heterodox Episcopalians:
RICK WARREN to the rescue. Dr. Warren, known to the world as the author of The Purpose Driven Life wrote to VOL this week saying that if any orthodox Episcopalians in Orange County, CA loses their building to TEC, or if they simply want to plant a new Anglican church in Orange County, he wants them to know that the Pastors and Elders of Saddleback will gladly share their 120 acre campus with a new congregation on Sunday afternoons.

"We stand in complete solidarity with you all. We now have 7 Sunday services (and 2 Saturday), but we're always ready to help a sister church," he told VOL. You can write to david@virtueonline.org and I will pass the message along to him. One church and an overseas bishop have already been in touch with Dr. Warren. It's amazing, just when you think things will never get better, a brother in Christ from a totally different denomination comes to the rescue. That is true ecumenicity.
I encourage you to read the whole of David Virtue's weekly summary. Even if you are mildly aware of some of the heterodox beliefs and and behavior that can be found in the Episcopal Church, you will be shocked beyond belief at their tacit sanctioning of terrorists, debauchery and attacks on orthodox believing people.

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