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Saturday, November 15, 2008

One World Religion Core Principle

BREITBART.COM: World asked to help craft online charter for religious harmony

There is a new movement sponsored by Hollywood elite and other global dignitaries and influencers, to craft a charter for worldwide religious harmony: Charter For Compassion :: home
"The Charter for Compassion is a collaborative effort to build a peaceful and harmonious global community. Bringing together the voices of people from all religions, the Charter seeks to remind the world that while all faiths are not the same, they all share the core principle of compassion and the Golden Rule. The Charter will change the tenor of the conversation around religion. It will be a clarion call to the world."
On the one hand seems noble to get the world religions to be nice to each other. We really should not be killing and maiming each other.

But if the Charter group then thinks that we should believe that all religions are equal and one should not evangelize the other, that is just completely disrespectful, disingenuous and condescending to those religions of the world that believe that evangelism is essential.

The main premise behind this is the belief that every religion has as a core component: the golden rule. But is that really true? Do all religions have that as a premise or only the versions of the ones they are familiar with? This seems like a nice idea but somehow I don't think these people are really all that familiar with the actual details and beliefs of many religions.

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