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Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Lion of Nigeria Roars

VirtueOnline: Nigerian Primate Says Anglican Communion Differences are "Irreconcilable"

The Anglican Archbishop of Nigeria, Peter Akinola has released an open letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams along with a supporting report of outlining the heresies of The Episcopal Church. It's not pretty:
"Episcopal Church leaders have denied Jesus as the only way to the Father, denied the divinity and uniqueness of Jesus Christ, denied the Resurrection, denied heaven and hell, denied salvation through the cross of Jesus Christ, denied the authority of Scripture, denied the Creeds and denied biblical standards for human sexuality," said AAC leaders.

They said the fruits of TEC's new theology included a refusal to reaffirm the historic articles of the Christian faith, syncretism, the promotion of abortion, weakening traditional marriage, promoting same sex blessings and other sexual aberrations, communion for the unbaptized, and accelerating litigation by TEC against the orthodox.

"We conclude with the heresies of the current Presiding Bishop that demonstrates her affirmation of the classic heresies of Pelagianism, Marcionism, Pluralism, Universalism and Gnosticism."
As this kind of thing continues to go public, it will become increasingly difficult for fellowship at a local ministerial level.

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