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Saturday, May 23, 2009

Vision G12 - Our Vision

Imagine a church where there was near 100 percent involvement in evangelizing and discipling others. Impossible? Consider the controversial Vision G12.
The Vision of G12 (Government of Twelve) is founded on the great commission given by Jesus. Its main objective is for every member to become a leader who will transmit Christ’s character and form his group of twelve.
Vision G12 - Our Vision

G12 Vision - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There have been problems for the Vision G12 movement as there have been with others. Some say it functions like a cult and others have some theological concerns. However, I think there are some important things to have learned from this movement, namely the cultural expectations.

An Expectation To Be Involved in Discipleship
Firstly, Vision G12 expects all of their people to be involved in evangelizing and discipling -- emphasis on all of them. In all of the churches I have been involved in, personally discipling others was left to the professionals and zealous, i.e. a very small percentage of the church. There were many active in the life of the church taking care of property and finances, attending meetings, providing care, etc. All doing good things. But very, very few were involved in mentoring another into Christlikeness.

The value of the Vision G12 movement is that it creates a cultural expectation in the church that all believers have a role in evangelizing and discipling others. In other words, it's the norm and not the exception that the average believer in the church is involved in discipling others.

Similar to Purpose Driven Church -- there is an expectation of progress
Many of you are not Purpose Driven Church fans. You mock the "bases" analogy/strategy. But the plus side of the PDC is the expectation that people make progress and experience growth in their Christian faith. Certainly you can argue whether or not rounding the bases, taking 101, 201, 301, 401, etc. classes actually means you made progress.

Vision G12 also has personally growth as an expectation. Certainly they don't believe that everyone has the gift of leadership, but they believe that every believer is to be involved in leading others to Christ and then discipling those persons deeper in the faith. Every believer makes progress from being a new believer to a guiding mentor in faith.

Both of those expectations are missing in many of our churches. We need to examine why and consider if and how that should change.

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