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Location: Liverpool, NY

"In my house, I'm a big deal. That's all that matters."


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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

FIND Employment - Jobs - Work in Syracuse, NY - Central New York - Upstate New York

As someone who has been a job searcher in the Central New York State region for the past several months, looking primarily for ministry but also other opportunities, I have compiled a short list of job search sites. It is by no means exhaustive but mostly just contains links to things I find interesting. Most of them are related directly to Central New York institutions but there are several -- especially ministry ones -- that have national and global opportunities.

I have posted many but not all of these links in a blog post previously (Find Jobs & Employment in metro Syracuse, NY & Elsewhere) but now have made them a semi-permanent feature in the right hand column. At the top you will see a section "About Me", below that "My Other Sites", below that "Grow Deeper Spiritually", and below that, my new section "Jobs, Work,
Employment, Central New York, Syracuse, NY".

I am particularly interested in helping churches, ministries and other institutions in the upstate New York region that are searching for clergy. Let me know of a job opening and I'll post it.

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