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Thursday, July 16, 2009

I Want You To Grow Spiritually

So I decided to link some spiritual advice that I have been giving in the left hand column of this blog. These posts get a ton of hits. I'll have several more forthcoming.

It all started with some people I knew who were having trouble connecting with God. They were Christians and had been for some time. But reading the Bible and praying became arduous and they felt some distance from God. They were painfully aware of that distance and really wanted to close the gap. They hungered for God.

After seeking spiritual help from their clergymen he offered limited advice: "Be in the Word" -- read your Bible every day. Make sure you are having daily devotions. Spend more time praying. Serve God more in the local church. To paraphrase, he said, "Try harder. Press on through." That was it.

Sometimes the spiritual life is not about trying harder at praying and reading the Bible. Through the centuries God has made Himself known through a variety of spiritual practices. Certainly praying and the reading of Scripture should never be neglected. But there are more practices that can propel us forward in Christian living, in becoming Christ-like, in holiness and in depth of intimacy with God.

Some of you won't like my advice because it's too Catholic or too Pentecostal or too mystical or too whatever. But I really want you to grow deep in your love and relationship with God. I honestly do. Do something people. Don't just fall asleep in your faith. Pursue God with passion.


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