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Location: Liverpool, NY

"In my house, I'm a big deal. That's all that matters."


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Sunday, December 05, 2010

Promoted: Web Master to Interim Pastor

Leadership of St. Andrew's Anglican Church, Syracuse, NY - An Anglican Mission in America Church in Central New York

It's been a long while since I've posted anything and want to get back at it. Between time constraints and other issues I just haven't been able to get any blogging done.

I'm connected to the link above as I am currently the Interim Pastoral Team Leader for St. Andrew's. It's a very part-time gig but with some great people. I'll post more about that in the later.

I serve St. Andrew's a couple of Sundays a month and go to Grace Covenant with my family the other Sundays. My wife is on staff at Grace as the Children's Director. So I get to be a vital part of two fantastic congregations. I'm liking that.

I started out serving St. Andrew's as their web master. Their current site was my first class project. It's functional but not beautiful and I already want to rewrite the code. I've got fall leaves on the front door of the page and after today, it's time to change to snow.

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