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Sunday, August 29, 2010

NEW Book on Intimate Relations: LEADing to the Bedroom: Using the Bible to spice up your sex life - Atlanta conservative | Examiner.com

LEADing to the Bedroom: Using the Bible to spice up your sex life - Atlanta conservative | Examiner.com

Yet another book by an evangelical Christian leader dealing with intimate relations for husbands and wives. The books, sermons, web sites, etc. all keep coming. I suppose that just as Kevin Leman, Linda Dillow and others have improved upon Ed Wheat and Josh McDowell, there will be someone improving upon all of them. This trend within evangelicalism remains strong.

While it grows tiresome, it is still needed. I continue to be amazed at how many Christian guys are involved in pornography and how many Christian wives just don't have relations with their husbands. It's painful.

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