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Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Jerry Reed in Heaven

Two Memorial Services Planned for Jerry Reed | ECC | News

That's the way the headline should read, "Jerry Reed in Heaven".

Dr. Jerry Reed was my evangelism and discipleship professor at North Park Seminary.  We also served on the Covenant's Prayer and Evangelism Associate Team.  I loved him.  It was hard not to.  He was probably one of the kindest most decent people I ever met.  And he loved Jesus and the church.

I did an independent study with Jerry in the area of teaching evangelism.  At the time I was a member of the Association for Case Teaching, so Jerry and I wrote case studies for evangelism training.  One of the most profitable experiences I had in seminary.

Thank you Jerry. I'll see you again.

Comments on "Jerry Reed in Heaven"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:57 PM, June 02, 2011) : 

Thank you for your words about Jerry. He was a wonderful model of Christ and a great worker for the Gospel. I can still remember sitting on his lap as a boy when he came to visit our small covenant church in Omaha, NE. He was an elite missionary of the first order. When he spoke about his love for Christ and the work of discipleship that was going on in Mexico & South America, I knew then that this was a true Man of God. I feel fortunate to have had him as a Professor & advisor at North Park and I continue to point people to his Discipleship Encounters. He certainly set the bar high for us all. To God Be The Glory!
~Scott Magnuson


Blogger theultrarev said ... (8:34 AM, June 03, 2011) : 

Thank you Scott.


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