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Saturday, June 05, 2004

Lark News

I can never figure out how Lark News can read my mind. I'm sure this could be done evangelistically with Bible verses on each page of photos and making each password a Bible verse reference (i.e. John 3:16) or an Old Testament name (i.e. Bathsheba).

Teen seeks missions assignment where women don't wear clothes

INDIANAPOLIS — Billy Pratt, 17, of Shafter Community Church is seeking a short-term missions trip to any locale where women hang around naked.

"There are definitely places in the world where people just don't wear clothes," he says, perched on his bed at his parents' house. Pratt hasn't told his pastor about his criterion, but he has researched locations extensively on the internet. He adds that if teen boys could work in a place where they were surrounded by "tons and tons of boobs" the ranks of missionaries would swell.

"I don't know why they don't publish this stuff," he says.

For his part, Pratt hopes his church will send him on an exploratory trip to remote Brazil and perhaps the French Riviera — "wherever unclothed people need to hear the gospel," he says. He is collecting Bibles to give away, and bought two dozen memory cards for his digital camera. He expects to garner financial support from boys his age who, in exchange for their donation, would receive the password to Pratt's web site which will include video updates and a slide show of his work there.

He feels called to return to these locations three or four times a year, and he hopes his church sees the urgency of sending him.

"I have a meeting with the pastor next week," he says. "We'll see how it goes."

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