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Saturday, February 26, 2005


Just had a nice, intense conversation with one of the old saints here at my Episcopal Church. He's read the Windsor Report and now has seen results of the Primates Meeting last week. He is convinced that if ECUSA is no longer connected to the Church of England and the Anglican Communion he cannot remain in it. But where to go? And leaving is painful.

I've had conversations with clergy both young and old. "How can we leave our pensions?" they ask. A conversation with another parishioner reveals the pain at the thought of leaving, when she was married there, her children baptized and her parents and a child buried in the church's cemetary in the side yard. Her plot is there too. And then of course there are numerous stories of churches not wanting to leave their facility or fighting in court for it.


Comments on "Painful"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:31 PM, March 07, 2005) : 

I expect it will get worse, before it even begins to get better, if it ever does.



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