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Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Holy Week

One of the great things about being in a sacramental church, where the Eucharist is the high point of the service and not the word, is Holy Week. Our church is not big. Last week's attendance for 3 services was about 240 and that was much more than normal.

None of this lame small evangelical church thinking that chooses between Maundy Thu or Good Fri services. We have a service everyday this week except yesterday. Might only be a handful of people at each service but number of people isn't the important thing. The worship of God IS. They don't make decisions to have the service or not based on how many might be there. It's more about is this a right and good and joyful thing to do that honors God during this holy season. The emphasis is on God, not people. I like it.

Having a service each day this week really does make the week seem special. Sure everyday should be special because we live in the resurrection but this way of worship adds an extra element or idea of devotion. You make personal sacrifice to attend church multiple times this week.

There are morning, noon and evening services depending on the day. I believe today's is at noon, so I need to get out here and over to church.

I think about all the weak-ass bitching and moaning I did when I was a solo pastor and had services on Maundy Thu, a noon and evening Good Fri service and 1 Easter Sunday morning. One year I had a big funeral too. Poor me! These Episcopal, and certainly Roman Catholic priests work circles around me. God bless 'em. Pray for your local priests this week. No wonder they have built into their call time off after Holy Week and Christmas that is not part of their 4-6 weeks vacation.

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