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Saturday, April 23, 2005

A painful story

I heard a painful story the other day. I think his name was Doug. He had a management position in the community. I think it was at a hospital. Until one day, he was down sized and out of work. His severance package ran out, lived off his savings and that ran out too. He actually was on the brink of bankruptcy.

He was also a Deacon in his parish, a Roman Catholic Church. Not paid staff, but had a vital role in the church performing weddings, preaching, visiting, etc. He was passionate about his ministry and seemingly loved in his church. These were his people and he had been involved in his parish over a decade. His family loved the church and they all felt at the center of it.

Just in time a job offer that met his professional skills and income requirements came to him. Everything was perfect about it except the overall organization: Planned Parenthood. He was Catholic afterall, and very pro-life but he was literally faced with bankruptcy or a job with PP.

What would you do? Is this a faith challenge?

He chose the job and began to pay his bills again. That didn't fly with his church. They released him from is Deacon duties. Parishioners began picketing his house calling him the "Deacon of Death." Comments were made every Sunday at church, even by kids to his kids. They were literally chased away.

So they became Episcopalians and love it, and their new church loves them. And nobody says a word about his job at PP.

What would you do?

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