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Thursday, October 27, 2005


Sometiimes I forget what it's like to not know the Bible and look at God with new eyes. There is an audio file on this blog under the post heading "Assurance of Things Hoped For". The blog describes it as "an excerpt from “This American Life” called “Godless America“. The segment features Julia Sweeney of SNL fame."

It's comical yet it's eye opening for what it is like to come back to God. Yet it is also heart wrenching to see someone lose him.

I strongly recommend you listen to this.

Comments on "Phlod"


Blogger Gary Means said ... (6:20 PM, October 27, 2005) : 

She asks some interesting and reasonable questions. I don't agree with the direction she took in response to those questions, but I probably would have done the same thing if I had been in her situation. She never received any satisfactory responses to her sincere questions. The priest just kind of blew her off.

My son is in college right now. In one class he has had to read a fair amount of the OT. He was appalled at what he found, just like Julia Sweeney, but especially about the geneocide for God. All I could tell him was, "I'm glad that you feel that way. I do too."

I have heard Catholic friends tell me that their priests have told them that you can't really take the Old Testament too seriously because you can't trust Jews, and then threw in some antisemitic stereotpyes. The bottom-line they said, is that the OT is just a bunch of stories the Jews made up to keep their kids in line.

I was shocked when I heard that they were being taught this, but didn't quite know how to respond at the time.

I agree with you about this audio segment, people should listen. I think that sometimes we Christians forget (if we came to faith as an adult) or never really understand (if we grew up in the church) how nonbelievers think.

I'm going to put a link to that site on my blog too. Thanks for sharing it.


Blogger theultrarev said ... (8:52 PM, October 29, 2005) : 

Hey Revinator, glad I could contribute to your spiritual well being and that you have such interesting, thought provoking people in your congregation. Tell him thanx.


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