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Friday, January 13, 2006

ginkworld; inside the mind of punk monkey: alternative worship

A quote from ginkblog:
"it seems to me that 'we in the emerging' have become what we have said we did not desire to be - we sold out, we became what we saw was so 'wrong' with the modern church. we sell our 'programs' and 'canned' worship services to others to 'help them become like us.' we put our crap on line so others can buy it form us, we charge outrageous fees for speaking, we hawk books and seek better book deals, we talk different but the words mean the same thing, we created 'you pick the number' ways of being an 'emerging church' and think we have defined what it means - we have not truly become anything different, we have not 'emerged' and we are not 'emerging' - we are a clone of the modern church except a bit younger. sure, we use cooler music, and have cooler clothes, and cut our hair much cooler - but cooler is not what i want to be, nor is it what we need to be."

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